
How to address the untapped potential in business strategies
Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

How to address the untapped potential in business strategies

What if internal concerns didn’t overtake customer and market focus?

Market-driven companies are 31 percent more profitable than those driven by other factors. And still a lot of companies are missing the customer and market content in their business strategies that needs to be there to be market-driven. Talk about untapped potential for a lot of companies when it comes to profitable growth.

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Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

7 actions to innovate your business into the future

What if demand rapidly changes markets, in a way we normally expect technology to do?

We are in the start, or the center, of systemic change. The pandemic has propelled change we saw coming but thought was several years away. The climate is calling for bold action from politics, economic institutions, and companies. In the center of this are the people, those who makes up markets. How prepared are your organization to handle change?

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Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

How to understand the customer – a million-dollar question?

A lot of companies work inside-out, i.e they do things because they can and hope for the best, instead of working outside-in, i.e they do things to fulfil customer needs and to surprise and delight.

But is it difficult to gain knowledge about present and future customers?

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Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

The HOW and WHAT of Customer Centric Organic Growth

WHAT to do to drive customer centric growth is common knowledge today, the key thing is HOW this is done. Understanding that the how and the what are equally important, is instrumental for any organisation, but still the “How” is often overlooked, or at least not paid enough attention to.  There’s only one way to succeed with this - to work top down AND bottom up at the same time.

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Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

The core of innovation is BOTH industry AND market agnostic – here is why

The core of innovation is BOTH industry AND market agnostic. Why? Experience from working with all aspects of innovation, from accelerating innovation across a company to generating new business, from physical products to digital services, from local to global aspects have given many insights. However, there are three main insights that make us believe that the core of innovation is industry and market agnostic.

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Innovation Muscles – do you have enough strength for what is required now?
Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

Innovation Muscles – do you have enough strength for what is required now?

When the marketplace is rapidly changing, are traditional cost-cutting measures enough? Do we have the capability to discover and act on new opportunities? Can we create future growth? The questions are many and most organizations understands they need to embrace change and always be on the search for answers. But then comes the next question. How?

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The importance of innovation and customer experience in difficult times
Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

The importance of innovation and customer experience in difficult times

“Almost all business leaders reluctantly admit that the current crisis also marks an inflection point: The world after it is unlikely to resemble the one before it. Their priority, when they get a moment’s respite, must be to remake their organizations to cope with the “new normal.” But CEOs, like generals in the heat of battle, are so busy tackling short-term priorities that the future is obscured by the fog of war.”

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From napkin sketch to new business – a journey of learnings
Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

From napkin sketch to new business – a journey of learnings

How many of us haven’t dreamt of discovering a unicorn? But few are successful in just creating a profitable business and a lot fewer shapes a unicorn. However, the journey from napkin sketch to new business is full of learnings independent if the context is within a corporation (as intrapreneur) or as a startup (as entrepreneur).

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"We need to secure future growth, we must be more innovative”
Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

"We need to secure future growth, we must be more innovative”

There is no secret that many companies are struggling now days to keep up with pace, digital development and new business models. As a consequence the statement ”We need to secure future growth, we must be more innovative” is often heard in leadership/management meetings, at town hall sessions, in board meetings etc.

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The six tasks that prepare an organization to become Customer Centric
Joachim Rask Joachim Rask

The six tasks that prepare an organization to become Customer Centric

Customer Centricity has seen a steady growth of interest as a management principle, and during the last 12 months customer centricity has proven to become even more important. But changing to a Customer Centric business model means a significant change for many companies. So where does one start if the ambition is to drive significant change? 

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